
Post 5: Changes to my Study Program

Hi! Welcome to my fifth post, today the topic of this post is "Changes to my Study Program". Well, this is a question that I had never asked myself, but if I start to think about it, there are several things that I would like to change about my degree program, such as the academic overload, the number of UTEs and hours per day that they take, We have to dedicate is really high, in such a way that we hardly have time for anything else, another thing that I would like to change is that there are UTEs that have few credits, such as 2, and they expect us to dedicate the same time to them as a UTE of 8 credits, it is vastly unfair since they should be provided time proportional to the number of credits. I would also like them to not force us to have to take 3 extracurricular activities (cfg) before reaching third year, I know it is very important, but with the little time we have left due to academic overload, these cfg become a hindrance, since they also require time and it is ti

Post 4: Time Travel to the Future or Past

 Hi! How are you? Welcome to my fourth post, today the topic of this post is "Time Travel to the Future or Past". Well, the truth is that it is a very difficult question, to travel to the future or to the past, I think that I would like to travel to the past more, to relive moments with people who are not there, like for example, my great-grandmother, I loved her very much, but she passed away when I was 3 years old and the truth is, the memories I have of her are very few, but they are all wonderful, I would like to travel to the past to be able to spend more time with her and create new memories together. However, traveling to the future is quite tempting, to know what my life will be like when I finish my major, to know if I will be able to travel to all the places I want, such as Europe, and I would love to know if I will be able to fulfill my dream of take my parents on a trip out of Chile. Well, my fourth post about "Time Travel to the Future or Past" ends her

Post 3: My dream job

 Hi! Welcome to my third post, today the topic of this post is "My dream job". Well, at this moment I am a dentistry student at the University of Chile, I am in the fourth semester, so I have two thirds of the degree left. During the summer holidays I would like to work in an ice cream shop, I feel that it is something very in keeping with the time, I love it, it is also a very good way to get money while I am still a student, to be able to travel to different places. This changes completely if I think about what my dream job would be after graduating, it would definitely be to follow my career, dentistry, since I love it and it is something that I am working hard to learn in the right way, and in the future to be able to provide the best possible care to my patients. I would very much like to work in the public sector, since I feel that from that place I can help many people who need it, but to be honest, in this country it pays much better in the private sector, but no matt

Video Talk: An activity I like to do in my free time


Post 2: The Best Concert ever

Hello! Welcome to my second blog of this semester, today the topic of this blog is The best concert of all time. Well, if you ask me what is the best concert I have been to, it is easy to decide since I have not gone to many, much less one, the Viña del Mar festival in 2017, I was only 13 years old, I went with my sister and my dad and it was one of the best experiences, since I always saw him on television and that time I was able to be there. If I imagine what concert I would like to go to today, it would undoubtedly be the Morat concert, since it has been my favorite band for more than 5 years, I always imagine what it would be like to go and how fantastic it would be to listen to my favorite songs live, like "Mil tormentas" or "Debí suponerlo." Well I hope one day I can fulfill my dream of being able to see them live. My second blog ends here, I say goodbye and I hope you continue reading.                                                      (I attach a photo of

Post 1: A Country I would like to visit

 Hi! Welcome to my first blog of this semester, today the topic of this blog is which country I would like to visit.  Well, it's quite a difficult question as there are many countries that I would like to visit as I love to travel and see new places, but I think if I had to choose one, it would be Greece. Well, you may wonder why Greece, this is mainly because when I was little I really liked a musical comedy called Mama Mia, it mixed music from a band called ABBA and the beautiful landscapes of a Greek island, I was quite obsessed with that movie, Every time I saw it, I fell more in love with those landscapes and during a large part of my childhood I dreamed of knowing that place, so it is something that I hope to be able to fulfill in the future. That's ends my first blog, I say goodbye and I hope you continue reading. (I attach a photo of Santorini, a Greek island that is very beautiful)

A meaningful photo

  Hello! Welcome to my fifth blog, in this blog I will tell you the importance of this photo for me. In this photo what we can see is the rural school of ¨Tres Puentes¨, this photo is very important to me because it is the school where my grandfather (the tata) was director for many years, my mother grew up there and I spent a large part of my childhood running through the halls and playing in the garden, because my grandparents' house was next to the school. In this photo you can see the abandoned school, but when I was little it wasn't like that, it was a beautiful place, it had large rose bushes of many colors, it was a very cozy place. When my grandfather retired this changed, the place was abandoned. This photo reminds me of the wonderful place it was, and it makes me feel that my grandfather was the one who gave it vitality, it makes me feel that he was the one who worked hard so that we could grow up in a place where we could be happy. That’s ends my fifth blog,